Howe Innovation Center: DisabilityTech Data Visualizations1
DisabilityTech is a market that encompasses technology solutions built for people with disabilities,
including assistive technology, medical devices, and tools for social, educational, and economic access.
The Howe Innovation Center at the Perkins School for the Blind is researching the DisabilityTech market, including assessments of companies, investors, geographic reach, and more.
Our initial database has over 750+ companies building products or services specifically for people with disabilities.
The following visualizations, created in partnership with the Olin College of Engineering and Perkins Access, give a broad overview of the state of the DisabilityTech market.
They include geographic visualizations of companies worldwide and in the United States, breakdowns of the end uses and sectors within the DisabilityTech market, and a timeline of company formation.
Geographic Distributions of Companies
Global Distributions of Companies
This map displays the number of DisabilityTech startups
in each country globally. leads in the number
of companies innovating in the DisabilityTech space, with
companies. Second is with companies, then with
. Worldwide, roughly 46.4% of all companies are located in North America, with Europe coming second with 23.9%, and Asia third with 20.1%.
Although the United States is the biggest player in the DisabilityTech market, there are similarly strong presences in Europe and Asia, indicating that the DisabilityTech market is a global one.
Distribution of Companies in the United States
Show labels: Companies in the USA
This map displays the number of DisabilityTech startups
in the United States by state. has the most DisabilityTech
companies with while is second with